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How to Host a Plant Tour for Your Elected Officials

The value of hosting a plant tour for your local member of Congress

cannot be overstated. Missouri Association of Manufacturers works

with legislators both in Missouri and Washington D.C. to promote,

preserve and advance manufacturing in Missouri. Hosting plant tours

on your home turf is a vital step in building long-lasting and personal

relationships with your legislators and the key members of their staff.

Visiting regularly with your legislators is critical, but it is just as important

to invite them to personally visit your company’s plant facilities. Tours will

enable you to reinforce and personalize your message by having members

of Congress interact with you and your employees while showing them

what your company is all about. You make a powerful argument for your concerns when your legislators and their key staffers tour your plant facilities, learn about your products, and see how you boost their constituency with economic activity and jobs. A tour and time to meet with select workers provides

legislators with a better sense of how potential legislation could impact your company

and its employees.

Communicating and touring with staffers can be just as valuable and important as a relationship with your legislator. In many instances, staff members are the issues experts and they hold the trust and attention of the legislator on a daily basis. Including district offices and Capitol Hill staffers on factory, tours will make for an even better return on your investment of time and energy.

A tour and regular follow-ups can make for a mutually beneficial relationship between you and your legislators. Members of Congress are always thinking about the next election and where to cut and spend, so use a tour to get your legislator thinking about your company and your workers, who will be voting on Election Day.

Click the PDF icon to download step-by-step instructions to help you successfully

plan a tour of your facilities.

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