FEBRUARY 3, 2021
Gearing Up

Non-manufacturers that want to support MAM members and Missouri manufacturing can connect through event sponsorship and/or one of the MAM Network Partnership programs.
We offer a variety of partnership opportunity levels for both businesses and institutions of education.
Interested in becoming a Partner? Email us to learn about our various partnership options.
Contact us at Info@mamstrong.org
Exclusive Benefits to MAM Members from our Partners
A Partner is a defined as a business who does not qualify as a manufacturer but provides services or products that will benefit our manufacturing Members.
Each Partner company is thoroughly vetted and researched to ensure we are collaborating with a recognized expert in their field and trusted resource.
A key factor is they must align with Missouri Association of Manufacturer’s mission: To Promote, Preserve and Advance manufacturing in Missouri.

Non-manufacturers that want to support MAM members and Missouri manufacturing can connect through event sponsorship and/or one of the MAM Network Partnership programs.
We offer a variety of partnership opportunity levels for both businesses and institutions of education.
Interested in becoming a Partner? Email us to learn about our various partnership options.
Contact us at Info@mamstrong.org
Exclusive Benefits to MAM Members from our Partners
A Partner is a defined as a business who does not qualify as a manufacturer but provides services or products that will benefit our manufacturing Members.
Each Partner company is thoroughly vetted and researched to ensure we are collaborating with a recognized expert in their field and trusted resource.
A key factor is they must align with Missouri Association of Manufacturer’s mission: To Promote, Preserve and Advance manufacturing in Missouri.
We make lighting products that create ambiance, save energy and install easily, but we deliver much more than that.
Williams makes A Visible Difference.
Patriot Medical Devices brings jobs to Cape Girardeau
Oct. 22, 2020
Patriot Medical Devices brings jobs to Cape Girardeau
Oct. 22, 2020
The Voice of Missouri Manufacturers.
To stay informed on the latest Missouri manufacturing news, events, resources and more, join our email list.
Changing Workforce Dynamic
A Statewide Partnership
to Give
Missouri Manufacturers
a Competitive Advantage
Competition to attract and retain talent is fierce.
Most of the labor force is looking at employment and the world differently. Employees want more from their employer than a paycheck.
Strong corporate social responsibility is among the growing incentives to attract talent, enhance job performance, grow skill sets and retain great employees.
Community Engagement as the Differentiator
Corporate citizenship refers to a company’s responsibilities toward society.
Corporate citizenship is proven to be good for employees, good for the organization’s public reputation and good for the community.
The United Way agency serving your region offers a variety of opportunities to strengthen your corporate citizenship by engaging your organization – and your workforce – in the community.
United Way of the Ozarks’ Community Engagement in a Box toolkit as an example of the type of tools and connections United Way agencies can provide to local manufacturers around the state. While other United Way agencies around the state may not provide the actual “toolbox”, some will produce their own customized version of the catalog that is the centerpiece of the box.

Community Engagement in a Box is a physical toolbox United Way is giving to Manufacturers in Missouri.
They want to help organizational leaders connect the dots between their employees’ community engagement and their ability to:
Attract and retain talent.
Create a more engaging and healthy organizational culture.
Boost their employee loyalty.
Help their employees become their best recruiters.
Organizations that do this well will have a consistent competitive advantage.
Want to learn more?
Connect with your local
Missouri United Way
agency to get started.

Community Engagement Box
compliments of
Statistic and quotation sources available HERE